
Tapes & Adhesives

adhesive tape converter ADDEV Materials Healthcare manufactures custom components and finished products for medical, pharmaceutical, electronics, consumer, and industrial markets. We have the technical expertise and material converting technology to die cut and laminate just about any adhesive tape, film, foam, and flexible material. Depending on the specifications and construction, tapes are used in a variety of applications. We can convert your supplied material or source it directly and then process it into whatever size, shape, and design you need. As a Solventum Premier Converter, we distribute rolls of tapes and foams slit to the right width to meet your requirements. Let us help you find the best material for your application.

  • Adhesive Transfer Tape
  • Single-Sided Tape
  • Double-Sided Tape
  • Film Tapes
  • Foam Tapes

What Can We Do for Your Business?

Call us 262.255.6150 or send a message to TODAY to connect with a specialist about your custom product.

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