
Contract Manufactured Parts

custom packaging and pouching ADDEV Materials Healthcare specializes in printing, converting (die cutting, laminating, island placement, and cold seal packaging), product assembly, kitting, pouching and packaging of component parts, disposable devices, and finished products for medical device, pharmaceutical, electronics, consumer, and industrial companies around the world.

Companies rely on AMH’s technical expertise and engineering support for material selection, design assistance, process development, and application ideas to help advance their product from concept to production. Companies typically outsource the manufacturing of their product to save time and money and to scale production to meet market demand.

Products are manufactured in highly-efficient and well-equipped facilities that are ISO 13485:2016 certified, FDA registered, and compliant to cGMP 21 CFR 210, 211, and 820. For customers that require high-level air quality control, products are manufactured in ISO Class 7 and ISO Class 8 certified cleanrooms.

What Can We Do for Your Business?

Call us 262.255.6150 or send a message to TODAY to connect with a specialist about your custom product.

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